The bag on its own is very comfortable down to the 30-degree range. I cannot believe that I wasted 160 dollars on some junk. By the time we got back from camping the next weekend three out of four sleeping bags had the zippers broken. I’m so disappointed with this product that I advise anyone buying sleeping bags not to even look at Ozark and buy Coleman instead.
This washable sleeping bag has been designed for use in temperatures between 40 degrees and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, to keep you warm on cold nights. The Ozark Trail 40-60F Sleeping Bag is highly durable, as it is lined with 100% polyester fabric both on the inside and outside. This polyester ozark trail sleeping bag sleeping bag features two sleeping bags that can be zipped together. The zippers come along the whole length of the sleeping bag, ensuring you safety from insect bite or frost bite. This washable sleeping bag also has elastic roll-up straps that help you to fold and store it easily.
It puffs up about half an inch, so kind of good. Stay cozy even on the coldest nights of your camping or hiking trips with ozark trail sun shelter the Everest Mummy Sleeping Bag, +5F/-15C Degree. It is terribly heavy for backpacking and definitely not rated correctly.
I did a good bit of research before purchasing ours. Of course, I wanted something that would keep us warm. Mummy bags are very effective for keeping warm, but I am not comfortable in a confining bag. We bought two Ozark Trail 30-Degree Sleeping Bags.
The bag is very lightweight and comes with a compression sack. It’s compact, and keeps you warm and comfortable throughout the night. It has ClimaTech fiber for added warmth, comfort, and durability. Find the best sleeping bag/pad for your next outdoor adventure using our independent reviews and ratings.
Not only is it harsh to the touch, but noisy too. And every time you move your feet you get to hear the crinkle of the fabric on the bottom. I notice this isn’t the first review with this complaint.
If you just can’t afford a better bag…DO NOT GO OUT IN COLD WEATHER OR YOU WILL REGRET IT. The only way you would sleep well in this bag is if you are under 5’5″ and very slender and use it summer nights or maybe push it to early fall. It’s easy to use, and has an inside zipper pocket, anti-snag zipper, full neck baffle, and ClimaTech fiber for warmth. It’s sort of fragile, but very good for backpacking. The bag uses Climatech fill, a down alternative, making it very light. The roomy bag, 33 inches wide by 75 inches long, rolls up to a compact 14 by 8 inches.