Hyper Bike Co

I don’t blame the bike for this but the seller and manufacturer. Even when we tried contacting both the seller and manufacturer they didn’t want to just ship a part out, they instead wanted us to ship the entire thing back and gives us a whole new bike set. That would have been fine, but we had already assembled most of the mountain bike and we didn’t want to repack the entire thing just to ship it out and get another mountain bike that we would have to reassemble. The next problem is that the bike seat is hard and uncomfortable, if you only ride short distances it isn’t a problem, but if you do between 2 through 5 miles you will start to feel it. I normally stand up, crank the gears up to a harder setting and peddle away so I don’t do much sitting, but if you prefer to sit down and peddle you will have a sore bum by the time you get home; in short, I recommend buying another seat.

Safety features include dual sideview mirrors, integrated brake light and turn signals. With two NEW G2 52V/19.2Ah batteries (SGS Certified to UL 2271), the total watt hour capacity on the HyperScrambler 2 is nearly 2,000! Never again ride with range anxiety and underwhelming pedal power. Another feature that’s sure to catch your eye is the bike’s frame. Apart from being styled unconventionally when compared to other commuter bikes, the Ultra also packs its battery within the frame. There is a replaceable battery with 10.4 amp-hours of power built into the aluminum frame.

For a product that would have cost the company a minimum of $10 to ship out, I did find it a bit frustrating that their customer service was so poor and we ended up having to pay for the replacement ourselves. Ride in style with the Hyper Bicycles 20″ boys spinner BMX bike. This BMX bike features a heavy-duty steel frame that lets users ride harder for longer. hyper mountain bike The spinner includes both front calliper and u-brakes for a smooth ride on any surface and front and rear hand breaks for convenience and safety. With sturdy 48-spoked rims and front and rear pegs, this BMX bike has all the right accessories. Designed with your comfort in mind, it features a deluxe padded seat, gripped handlebars, and standard pedals.

To my knowledge and awareness, having sold the original Mongoose BMX and about 3 other copies, I can say with all honesty that with the exception of Mongoose BMX produced by Pacific Bikes, this has to be the very best version of BMX ever sold in Oman. The Alloy Rear Cassette Wheel is the perfect replacement wheel for a lot of the beginner BMX bikes out there with 9t cassette hubs such as the Hype… If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue.

The Rush engine is the state-of-the-art in motorcycle engineering. Unleashing 208 horses at rpm, the in-line four cylinder engine is completed by a splendid four-output exhaust that enhances the aggressive and unmistakeable sound. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.