Ozark Trail 30-Degree Cold Weather Mummy Sleeping Bag with Soft Liner,

I won’t ever buy an expensive sleeping bag after carrying this cheapo, unless I can find a cheap bag that weighs a lot less. I purchased this sleeping bag for warm weather camping trips at the local lake. For fifteen dollars I wasn’t expecting (or needing) anything that would stand up to freezing weather. Unfortunately the workmanship was more than a little upsetting, even for that price.

Bids can be placed via web browser or iOS/Android app. Every item starts at just $1, with no reserve price. Our proprietary tech ensures that recalled items are never listed. Please note, a stock image is included to provide you with a visual snapshot of this item that we could not capture otherwise. The actual product may be a different color or model. I don’t mind cheap…but I don’t like to purchase a product and then feel like company I just threw money at was trying to hide something from me.

If they wanted to skimp on fabric, it should have been used on the outside and bottom of the bag! Not on the interior where comfort is the main issue. All items can be inspected in-person (and you are encouraged to do so) prior to bidding.

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ozark trail sleeping bag

“Whether camping or at a sleepover, kids will love sleeping in this rocket shaped sleeping bag.” I used this bag two nights last weekend and found it was too cold on its own—lowest temp was 51 degrees each of those nights. The bag is very lightweight and comes with a compression sack. It’s compact, and keeps you warm and comfortable throughout the night. It has ClimaTech fiber for added warmth, comfort, and durability. Find the best sleeping bag/pad for your next outdoor adventure using our independent reviews and ratings.

We wear warm clothes to sleep in, including a beanie. Hand warmers in our socks and body warmers in our shirts are helpful as well. Our sleeping bags zip together, allowing us to take advantage of the shared body heat. Pairing these ozark trail canopy strategies together made it reasonably comfortable at that temperature. The bag on its own is very comfortable down to the 30-degree range. With the return of the colder weather, it is time to pull out our winter sleeping bags.