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Towards the end of the month of September the monsoon winds in Assam recede and this brings a huge respite the fauna of Kaziranga National Park. The water levels start receding and new flora start to bloom at Kaziranga. The Park management of Kaziranga National Park get completely busy to prepare the surroundings and safari area of Kaziranga for the upcoming tourist season.

Apart from your stay and jungle safari rides inside the forest reserves of the Kaziranga National Park there are many other attractions to be enjoyed on your visit to the Kaziranga National Park and this includes the boat safari on the Brahmaputra River at the Bhumuraguri area near the Koliabhumura bridge. This boat safari experience at Kaziranga National Park is the best way to enjoy the sightings of the endangered River Dolphin species of the place and you also have the opportunity to sight many more of the animal species including the Bengal Tigers that come to the banks of the River to quench its thirst. Take a tour from Kaziranga National Park to visit the Hollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary that is located about 3 hours drive from Kaziranga National Park at Mariani and it is one of the best places in the country to spot the Hoolock Gibbon species. The Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary is surrounded by evergreen forests and the beautiful tea gardens of Assam that offer a perfect opportunity for you to spot the Hoolock Gibbons in the wild that is the only Ape species found in India and there are around 106 Hoolock Gibbons present inside the forests. Apart from the above two animals the other animals to be found are the sloth bear, jungle cat, fishing cat, leopard cat, etc.

It is located at around 2km distance from the main town area of Kaziranga National Park at Kohora and around 600 species of orchids are known to be found here at the Kaziranga National Park. Apart from the orchid species you can also visit the section of handicrafts and handlooms, monument photo gallery, rice museum, orchid photo gallery, bamboo garden, souvenir shop and also the open stage area where regular performances of the traditional dances of Assam are performed here at the Kaziranga Orchid Park at the Kaziranga National Park. Get to witness the life of the Karbi people of Assam who have inhabited the area across Kaziranga National Park since times immemorial and they have contributed a lot towards the conservation efforts of the animals at the Kaziranga National Park along with the forest authorities and it is a very beautiful place to visit near the Kaziranga National Park.

Kaziranga is not just a National Park; it is among the best biosphere reserves of India where one gets to sight majestic species of the likes of Indian One Horned Rhinoceros, Royal Bengal Tigers, Asiatic Elephants, Asiatic Water Buffaloes, Sambars, Gaurs, Pythons and a host of other mammals, reptiles, birds and butterfly species. But even more than the sight of a Rhino, Tiger or Elephant, it is Kaziranga National Park’s indescribable peace and quiet magic that feed the soul and remain with visitors forever. Kaziranga is also a Project Tiger Reserve and as per facts, Kaziranga Tiger Reserve has the highest population density of Tigers among all other protected areas in the World! To add a feather to the cap of Kaziranga, this National Park also has within the region of India, the highest population density of Asiatic Elephants, Swamp Deers and Wild Asiatic Water Buffaloes. Kaziranga National Park has also been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) and is also home to the only Ape species found in India – the Hoolock Gibbons. This historic train has been in continuous operation between Durango and Silverton since 1882, carrying passengers behind historic steam and diesel locomotives and rolling stock indigenous to the line.

Also trekking into the forest reserves of Kaziranga is presently not allowed for the safety of its visitors. It comes complete with a steel mountain bike frame and a front suspension fork that are perfect for rugged trail rides. mongoose excursion The 21-speed twist shifters make it easy to adapt to your terrain, while the front disc brake and rear V-brake deliver crisp, controlled stops. Staying active is a whole lot easier when you have fun and look good doing it.

mongoose excursion

Much to our surprise, the trip from DAR to Mikumi starts with the safari car so that means limited airflow due to… Make your experience even more memorable by adding an overnight stay to your Silverton excursion. A paradise for Ornithologists and Bird lovers as well, Kaziranga National Park is a bird lovers paradise with over 470 species of both resident and migratory to be spotted here.

Barking deers are also to be seen here particularly in the well watered forest areas while the Sambar Deer species of Kaziranga comprises of herds of hinds and young frequented the edges of lakes and shallow streams of Kaziranga National Park. The forests and grasslands of Kaziranga National Park is home to a large number of Wild pigs, the Indian bison viz. When it comes to the Wildlife in India, Kaziranga National Park happens to be an amazing showcase to highlight these majestic fauna species. The Indian One Horned Rhinoceros, the Asiatic Elephants, Royal Bengal Tigers, Swamp Deers and the Asiatic Water Buffalo, Kaziranga’s topography also serves as an ideal habitat for as many as 14 rare and endangered species of the likes of the Gaurs, Sloth Bears, Leopards, Capped Langurs, Assamese Macaques, Otters, Mongoose, etc. Of the Kaziranga National Park comprising of the tall grasslands make it an ideal area for the survival of its more than 2400 numbers of the Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros species.