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Follow the trail to help find the missing party items to give the Gruffalo a birthday to remember. Search for balloons, pine cones, apples and the Gruffalo himself, and complete fun activities and rubbings as you go along. Spring into action and discover more about the sights, sounds and smells of the forest.

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Then keep reading for my complete thoughts and testing (yes, I rode it too!). While the Electric Cruiser was lighter than most e-bikes I’ve tested over the years, I would still hate to have to haul it upstairs or lift it onto a car rack. Speaking of steps, the step-thru frame comes in only one size but should fit most riders five feet and taller.

Occasionally woodland trails may be blocked with debris such as fallen tree limbs. Nature trails are not cleared or salted in the winter and may be snow-covered, slippery or kent hybrid bike muddy. Maple Beach has family changing rooms available in the recently constructed restroom building. An adjacent playground was designed using universal design principals.

Our range is perfect for beginners and the distance and size of the bows will be set to suit the group ability. Parts of the Park, including the tarmac track and mountain bike kent hybrid bike trails, can be booked by third parties such as clubs and groups. The Black Locust disc golf course is located off a gravel lot across from the Martindale Beach parking lot.

Open fairways and fast greens allow both novice and experienced golfers the opportunity to challenge and improve their games. Take a weekend hayride (or sleigh ride) through scenic farm and forest land along the Huron River. Annual Bag Tags and Daily Wristbands are available for purchase at the Kensington Metropark Office and the disc golf booth at the Black Locust course. Two competitive disc golf courses are located at Kensington Metropark.